Do You Want to Know God More Intimately?
Maybe I can help. Take a look at the material on this website to see if you find something you are interested in. Study it out and let it take you deeper into more Adventures in God.

Adventures in God
I am an adventurer. I am frequently out hiking discovering new places and things. My love for adventure carries into my spiritual life.
My greatest desire besides knowing God for myself is to teach others the things He has taught me through my years of study, prayer and experience. I long for people to have a true relationship with God through Jesus and learn HOW TO to know Him as their friend and Savior and Father, as their Counselor and Helper in life, to learn to live in and through Him. I want them to know how to reach Him and receive from Him in every time of trouble as well as in their everyday lives.
My purpose is not to tell you WHAT to do; I want to teach you HOW TO DO it. I have had many truly wonderful and powerful “Adventures in God” through the years that others can also experience. Come join my Adventure.

Articles & Teachings
New articles are published regularly on many subjects. Take a look at articles tab in the menu choose an area of interest.
Choose Devotions for a short, inspirational ideas or insight gotten during my daily study, kind of like a live devotional.
How may I help you?

New Additions
Take a look at the new E-Course Section.
Courses are starting out FREE.
Check back later. More courses will be added in time The next course to be added will be called "A Taste of Revival" and will be a brief history on Revivals in the Church - just enough to spark your hunger for more.
See buttons below for current courses.

Contact Me
If you would like more information about me or questions concerning anything on this website, feel free to email me .
You could also contact me through my Facebook page located at