About Me

When I came to Jesus in Yosemite National Park in 1974, I found my true life’s purpose. Jesus was what I had been searching for. He began to fill the empty places of my life.
From the beginning, I was so hungry. I began studying, praying and seeking God. My life has become a massive search for the knowledge of God and a deep relationship with Him. I want to learn how life works, how to find my place in it, and how to live effectively.
I have found many answers. though the search is still going on. I know that all that He has provided belongs to me, and I won’t stop until I am living continually in His presence and enjoying His highest and best in all areas of my life!!!
Through the many years I have belonged to Him, the Lord has taught me many things. He has answered my quest for knowledge. He has continued to reveal Himself and His word to me.
This is my treasure. The knowledge of the God that I have come to intimately know is what I have to offer mankind. I live to teach to others the things He has taught me. This is the purpose for my life and for this websitev
My Passion
My Personal Passions
My first and highest passion is to know the Lord deeply and personally. My second passion is to study and learn about life. I want to know how things work and why they work as they do. I want to know how people work and why they work as they do. I have always been a quiet observer and have learned much through the years.
I love to study the Bible. I study history. I love church history and revival history and how it fits into civilization. I have also been studying philosophy. I recently completed my bachelor’s degree in Christian Ministry. Studying, I think, is my second greatest passion.
My Passion to Help Others
I believe that every person is designed and called to a certain purpose and to help others solve problems they face. Designed into me is the desire to help people find out who they are made to be, to discover the gifts that are in them, and then to help them remove obstacles in the lives and personalities that hinder them from fully fulfilling who they are designed to be.
I do this primarily through teaching. I will be offering audio and video teachings and e-courses as well as the blog articles as time goes on. But I also work with people in groups and individually to identify their God-given gifts and the hindrances keeping them from full fulfillment, to bring them knowledge and full healing spirit soul and body