
Week 1 – Overview & Expectations

Each week we will have about one half hour of teaching. Notes will be provided but to get the most out of the course, take your own as well. Take the time to look up the scriptures for yourself and continue to go over the truths you hear.

And He said to them, be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear.

Mark 4:24 (Amplified Bible)

The second half will be questions, comments, testimonies, and activations.

To get optimum results, take this course as seriously as you would a doctor’s visit, and diligently apply the things you learn as you would take your prescribed medicine. In the natural realm, you would pay as much money as necessary to regain your health. Let’s take God’s Word and the things He personally shows us as seriously as a doctor’s advice.

If you do, you will make great progress in increasing in health and well-being. But remember, it is up to you – not God, not me – how much what you learn here affects your life, and even how healthy you can become.

Things We Will Cover

  • Week 1 – Overview
  • Week 2 – Foundational Scriptures on Healing
  • Week 3 – The Healing Ministry of Jesus
  • Week 4 – Why Am I Not Healed?
  • Week 5 – Why Am I Not Healed?
  • Week 6 – Healed Spirit, Soul, and Body
  • Week 7 – Healed Spirit, Soul, and Body
  • Week 8 – Walking in Health & Long Life

We are going to cover the basics on healing which most of you have heard many times. But if you have heard the truths about healing and believe what you have heard and yet are not yet healed and walking in health, there is probably something you are missing. That is the purpose for this course – to identify and fix the hinderances to healing in your life.

We are believing the Lord to open our eyes to see what we are missing and any adjustments we might need to make in order to enjoy full health and strength and long life. Let’s pray now for the Lord to open our eyes and our hearts to see, to identify any hindrances and have the wisdom to open closed doors and close open doors and live healthier than we have yet imagined.

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