Why am I not healed?

Why Am I Not Healed? I Believe in Healing

Scriptural Reasons People Aren’t Healed – Reasons 5-8

Not Correctly Judging the Body of Christ

    1 Corinthians 11:29-30 – But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For he who eats and drinks, eats and drinks judgment to himself if he does not judge the body rightly. For this reason many among you are weak and sick, and a number sleep.

    A schism between members of the body of Christ can result in sickness. Therefore, believers should maintain Christ-like relations with other members of the Church. The inference is that believers at odds with each another could fail to be healed.

    Also not discerning the Lord’s body that He took our infirmities and bore our sicknesses could result in a Christian being sick.

    Unconfessed Sin

    Psalm 32:3-4 – When I kept silent about my sin, my body wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my virality was drained away as with the fever heat of summer.

    This is easy to fix for a Christian.

    1 John 1:9 – If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

    Not understanding the difference between gifts of healing and the provision of healing

    …included in our redemption – there for whosoever to take freely as part of our salvation (Sozo – saved, healed, delivered, made whole in every way – See Romans 10:8-10).

    We must distinguish between healings obtained through supernatural gifts or manifestations and those obtained by exercising faith in God’s Word alone.

    Corinthians 12:9, 28-30 – God gave gifts of healings to some. All do not have gifts of healings, but according to Jesus, all are to heal.

    Mark 16:15, 17-18 – In the Great Commission we are all to go out into the world and preach the Gospel, part of which is laying hands on the sick see them recover.

    God has provided healing in redemption. But He also provided gifts of healing, because He wants us healed, healthy, and whole.

    The gifts of healings were given more to work THROUGH us than FOR us.

    It seems easier to get healed through someone else’s prayer and faith. Some expect God to just ‘zap them” healed if He wants them healed, but in many cases, God wants them to take what He has provided for themselves.

    It may be a fight and require diligence on your part. And even if you do get healed through someone else’s faith, you will need to keep it through your own.

    Instead of learning and taking hold of healing truths, some think that if God wants them, healed, it will be easy and automatic. And if prayer doesn’t work, they blame God or the healing minister – or think that maybe it wasn’t His will or timing or something. These untruths are spread by word as well as osmosis. They steal expectation for healing.

    God loves us, desires us to be well and whole, and works with us however He can get us healed. But He does expect us to learn and grow and act on what He has done and revealed.

    Gifts of healings and supernatural manifestations are given to advertise the Gospel and to gain the attention of those outside the Church more than heal the church. Ideally, a believer should be healed by releasing his own faith in the Gospel (which includes healing) – just as we receive salvation.

    There is a place to ask for others to pray and agree with you, but there are many Christians who are never healed because they continue to rely on someone else.

    Your soul isn’t prosperous in the subject of divine healing (3 John 2).

    3 John 2 – Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.

    If you are not in good health, maybe a first place to check would be the prosperity of your soul.

    • What do you really believe concerning healing?
    • What do you really believe concerning God as your healer?
    • What do you believe about yourself as worthy to receive healing?
    • What is really in your mind, your will, and your emotions?
    • How do your thoughts line up with the word of God?

    You can only walk in health to the degree your soul prospers, that your mind is renewed – to the degree you think like God. You have the mind of Christ. Is it worked into your conscious mind and daily thoughts?

    What do you really believe concerning healing? No, I don’t mean doctrinally; I mean what do you believe to the degree that you live it. What do you actually expect? What do you experience?

    You may subconsciously believe lies about healing, about God, or about yourself that keep you from walking in health.

    There may be hidden wounds and emotional trauma hidden in your heart. You may need remove these lies and obstacles and be healed in your heart before it will manifest in your body.

    In the areas of healing as well as in all other areas, you are transformed by the renewing of your mind not by trying harder. Transformed from sickness to health, weakness to strength comes by changing your thoughts. (Romans 12:2).

    Agnes Sanford: Why the prayer of faith might not work: Though your conscious mind believes, your unconscious mind (the accumulated life-long thought patterns and habits) doesn’t. It is difficult to change these habits.

    To cure this, you will need to train the subconscious mind to think and imagine in a different way. The imagination of your heart has tremendous power. You can train the subconscious mind. It is fun, though it is a bit of work.


    • Ask the Lord to reveal to you reasons why you aren’t as healthy as you wish you were – and EXPECT Him to tell you – James 1:5-8; Jeremiah 17:9-10 (MSG).
    • When you see an area of lack in your believing and receiving:
    • Don’t condemn yourself. Condemnation will get you nowhere.
    • Find scriptures that counteract the lies you are believing, write them out, and speak them to yourself to break the old patterns – 2 Corinthians 10:3-5.
    • Purposely and intentionally believe what God has said. You will be transformed by changing what you think.
    • Spend time with the Lord seeing yourself with the promises of God; visualize your life healthy.

    If you will take the time to go over these things and do the activations every week, your health will begin to be transformed. If you continue to do them, you can grow to the place where health is more normal to you than sickness, weakness, and disease.

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