Why Am I Not Healed?
I Believe in Healing

Week 1 – Overview & Expectations

Each week we will have about one half hour of teaching. Notes will be provided but to get the most out of the course, take your own as well. Take the time to look up the scriptures for yourself and continue to go over the truths you hear.

Mark 4:24 (AMP) – And He said to them, be careful what you are hearing. The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you whohear.

The second half will be questions, comments, testimonies, and activations.

To get optimum results, take this course as seriously as you would a doctor’s visit, and diligently apply the things you learn as you would take your prescribed medicine. In the natural realm, you would pay as much money as necessary to regain your health. Let’s take God’s Word and the things He personally shows us as seriously as a doctor’s advice.

If you do, you will make great progress in increasing in health and well-being. But, remember, it is up to you – not God, not me – how much what you learn here affects your life, and even how healthy you can become.

Things We Will Cover

  • Week 1 – Overview
  • Week 2 – Foundational Scriptures on Healing
  • Week 3 – The Healing Ministry of Jesus
  • Week 4 – Why Am I Not Healed?
  • Week 5 – Why Am I Not Healed?
  • Week 6 – Healed Spirit, Soul, and Body
  • Week 7 – Healed Spirit, Soul, and Body
  • Week 8 – Walking in Health & Long Life

We are going to cover the basics on healing which most of you have heard many times. But if you have heard the truths about healing and believe what you have heard and yet are not yet healed and walking in health, there is probably something you are missing. That is the purpose for this course – to identify and fix the hinderances to healing in your life.

We are believing the Lord to open our eyes to see what we are missing and any adjustments we might need to make in order to enjoy full health and strength and long life. Let’s pray now for the Lord to open our eyes and our hearts to see, to identify any hindrances and have the wisdom to open closed doors and close open doors and be healthier than we have yet imagined.

Some Reasons People Are Not Healed

People may have been taught untruths about healing, and religious traditions are hard to get rid of. You have to be open to exchange your traditions for scripture.

There are many false doctrines, lies and untruths mixed with truth built into the fabric of “sound doctrine” to justify those who aren’t healed. These have been taught for so long that they can be more true to you than plain and clear scripture.

A person may have heard healing truths and believe them, but something in their heart isn’t fully persuaded that healing is for them. Maybe there is doubt concerning the will of God to heal them.

Your inner belief systems (heart beliefs, unconscious beliefs) are not always the same as your outer beliefs (doctrinal beliefs). Just a decision to believe is not enough. That is only the start.

There may be something in a person’s heart, life, or past that makes them feel unworthy and blocks their receiving full healing.

Many assume sickness is a natural part of life that we have to accept and live in during our lives on earth rather than realizing that Jesus took our sickness so that we can walk in health. God actually wants us well – here in this present life.

Sickness IS part of the world, but it doesn’t need to be part of your life since Jesus took your sickness and bore your infirmities, and by His stripes you are healed. He paid the price for your health so that you enjoy the reality of it – not just so that you can know the facts and doctrines of healing.

Some have had prayer for healing so many times and seen others prayed for without receiving that they have given up in their hope. It seems in many cases, receiving healing is no longer expected in churches. They pray for the sick hoping it might happen, but it rarely does. Healing has become a doctrine rather than a reality.

The reason a person doesn’t receive their healing is mostly likely something simple. Before trying to go deeper to find some inner problem or hidden sin or some mysterious generational thing, we will start with the basics. We’ll start by looking at the Word – since all things we need for life and godliness are found there (2 Peter 1:3-4).

Once we get our believing about healing in accord with Scripture, if we still haven’t received, then we can look deeper. But, even then, you will find the problem is probably some area that you are not in accord with scripture, and knowing and applying the word will bring your victory.

There are sneaky under-lying thoughts and beliefs (corporately, doctrinally, and individually) that we have accepted and put above the Word of God concerning healing. They are sneaky and hiding, but God will reveal them to you.

Just hearing right teaching doesn’t always do away with the inner belief systems we live by. We need to transform our BS (belief systems) into truth. We need to force the lies out and replace them with truth.

It is a fight and a battle to enter the Promised Land of God’s provision of healing. But it has been freely given, provided as part of our Salvation in Christ. But you will only walk in it, though it is freely given to all, if you make the effort, if you do the work, if you fight and take what belongs to you in Christ.

There is a difference between knowing the Word and living the Word, accepting the truths of the Bible with your mind and your heart not fully agreeing. There is a difference between deciding to believe the Word and actually believing from the heart. There is a difference between believing healing as a doctrine and believing it to the degree that you walk in it and enjoy its benefits.

Very few Christians who claim to believe in healing actually resist sickness as an enemy of the God and His plan for us. Sickness has become normal – even in churches that claim to believe in healing.

Romans 14:23 (MSG) – But if you’re not sure, if you notice that you are acting in ways inconsistent with what you say you believe, then you know that something is out of line.

If your experience isn’t consistent with what you believe, it shows you might not believe what you think you believe.

I am sure that the Lord doesn’t want His people sick. If so, why would Jesus have borne our sickness and taken the stirpes for our healing upon His back?

Why would one third of His earthly ministry be healing?

Why did He pass on the healing ministry to us in the Great Commission and command us to pray for laborers to teach, preach and heal?

Why has He provided so many gifts and methods of healing if He doesn’t want us to enjoy health?

Jesus Himself took our infirmities and bore our sickness because He wants us to enjoy health – yes, even here on this earth.

Let’s take our health seriously as God does. Most of what you receive from this course won’t be during the weekly hour of teaching and sharing; your benefits will be in accordance to the time and effort you put into your own study and prayer and application of the truths you hear.


  1. Why are you taking this course?
  2. What do you expect to receive from it? Your expectation has a great deal to do with what you receive.
  3. Are you willing to put in the work and make the effort to identify and fix whatever you find in your life blocking your healing and health?
  4. Ask the Lord what you need to focus on and find scripture speaking to your life.
  5. Write down what you hear.
  6. Go over these things daily and speak them out loud to yourself. Tell yourself who and what you are. Tell yourself who Jesus is and what He did for you. Speak health to your body.
  7. Purposely believe what God has said above what you have always thought. Replace your old thoughts with truth.

If go over these things and do the activations every week, your life will begin to be transformed. If you continue to do them, you can grow to the place where health is more normal to you than sickness, weakness, and disease.

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